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HomeDestinationsCaribbean Expedition

Caribbean Expeditions

A view of the ship Sea Cloud from a local town in the Caribbean

Bursting with biodiversity and home to a rich mix of cultures, the Caribbean has much to offer beyond its popular ports. Take the route less traveled through this idyllic region, sailing to remote islands aboard the historic square-rigger Sea Cloud, or exploring Panama and Colombia’s Caribbean shores aboard the National Geographic Quest. Encounter an array of wonders—from towering volcanoes to lush rainforest—on islands like Dominica and St. Lucia, and dive into the turquoise seas of Guna Yala, Bequia, and more for swimming, snorkeling, and kayaking. Guided by our veteran expedition staff, we also explore the area’s vibrant cultural melting pot in bustling cities from Cartagena to Portobelo.  

Sailing aboard Sea Cloud is always extraordinary, but experiencing her—the most beautiful yacht in the harbor—in the Caribbean is quintessential.

Sven-Olof Lindblad

Why National Geographic-Lindblad Expeditions

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Our Ships in the Caribbean

Ship Sea Cloud under full sail
Cabin 30, Category 4, featuring a queen-size bed on the Lido Deck,  aboard the ship Sea Cloud
Dining room on the ship Sea Cloud

Sea Cloud


Traveling aboard Sea Cloud, a historic four-masted barque, is an overall multisensory experience of the rarest kind—and this is true wherever you choose to explore. 

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Ship National Geographic Quest
Cabin 223, Category 4 with balcony on the ship National Geographic Quest/Venture
The dining room on the ship National Geographic Quest/Venture

National Geographic Quest


National Geographic Quest was purpose-built to explore the Americas, her design and engineering informed by our nearly 40 years of experience in these regions.

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Our Team in the Caribbean

Every member of our team—from our naturalists and cultural specialists to our expedition leaders—is committed to ensuring you have an unforgettable experience. Many are veteran guides who have exclusively worked with us for decades, chosen for their extensive knowledge of subjects like wildlife biology, Caribbean history, and photography. Exploring in small groups, you’ll hear different perspectives each day of your voyage, and because there are no assigned groups you can gravitate toward the experts who share your interests and inspire your curiosity.  


Our knowledgeable and passionate expedition team is complemented by our dedicated hotel team who strives to ensure that your time on board is as comfortable and rewarding as your time on shore.  

Guests exploring the bridge with the the Second Mate on the ship National Geographic Quest/Venture

Photo Gallery: Highlights from the Caribbean

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Explorations 2024-2026

Central America 2024-26

Sea Cloud & Sea Cloud II 2025-2026